Mon Jun. 03, 2024 at 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m..
The next meeting of the WE Rotary Club of International Peace will be this coming Monday, May June 3rd,  8pm EDT (UTC-4), 2pm Hawaii.  Here's the link:
Meeting ID: 406 916 8154       Passcode: 123456
Many of us watched last Wednesday's Zoom event, "A Conversation with Annie Jacobsen".  WE Rotary Club member Dr. Ira Helfand was one of the principals who arranged this event with the NY Times bestselling author of Nuclear War: A Scenario.  He was also one of the four discussants with Ms Jacobson.  In this June 3rd meeting he will give us the inside story and talk about what might come next.  He'll also describe his recent discussion at the RAND Corporation with their nuclear war analysts.  And he will help us in a discussion of what WE might do next.
WE Rotary members and all interested persons are invited
After the first hour, we will convene in breakout sessions for some personal interaction.  To get that started please come prepared to briefly describe the most exiting or enjoyable thing that has happened to you in the past 12 months or so. 
Note that the session will open 10 minutes (7:50 pm EDT) early or so for social chat, etc.  Then we'll start on time.  After a few preliminaries, we'll launch right into the topic.  At the end of the hour, we'll have our breakout sessions for catching up with one another, etc.  After we adjourn, I will keep the channel open for further unstructured discussion for any who cares to stay for as long as we like.
- Invite anyone you think can contribute - they don't have to be interested in joining Rotary.  Forward this invitation now
- Send me your suggestions for future topics and/or presenters
Peter J Metz   1-617-407-2023 (voice, text, video, WhatsApp)