This is an archive site page for the 2021 Service Trip to Nepal and Bhutan.
Please join DG Naomi Masuno and other Rotarians from clubs across Hawaii for a once-in-a-lifetime service trip to Nepal Oct 22 to Oct 31st and Bhutan Oct 31st to Nov 4th. You can participate in both trips or just one. If you are interested, please REGISTER HERE.
Due to the limited space of 30 persons, priority will be given to Rotarians of clubs who have contributed to current or previous global grants in Nepal or Bhutan, as well as to Rotarians who have specialty training or expertise in secondary education, agricultural science, veterinary science, soil science, land surveying, or other applied science subjects. For additional questions, please feel free to contact our Nepal Workgroup Chair Arjun Aryal (aryala@gmail.com) or James Ham (james.ham@gmail.com).
Please join us on Friday Feb 26th at 4pm HST via Zoom to learn more about the trip and how you can get involved. At our first informational session, trip leader Arjun Aryal will lead a panel of speakers (including some joining us live from Nepal) to give you a brief overview of what we’ll be doing, where we’ll be going, how we’ll get there, why you should join us, and what you can do to prepare for the trip. A structured 20-to-30-minute PowerPoint presentation will be followed by a 30-to-40-minute Q/A session.
Rotary District 5000 is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Time: Friday Feb 26, 2021 04:00 PM Hawaii (08:00 PM Louisiana, 07:45 AM Saturday Feb 27th in Nepal)
Meeting ID: 814 6050 3797
Passcode: 918186