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Using the Rotary District 5000 Logo: Unifying Our Rotary Community

As we come together to lead and serve our district, it is essential to have a unified identity that represents our collective efforts. The Rotary District 5000 logo serves as our official symbol, embodying the spirit of Rotary within our district. This document aims to explain the significance of the official logo and its usage. Additionally, we will clarify when the geographical logo (Hawai’i Rotary Clubs) can be utilized, specifically for marketing purposes to the general public.

Defining the Official Rotary District 5000 Logo

A black background with blue textDescription automatically generated

Using the Masterbrand (Rotary and Mark of Excellence) the words “District 5000” will be displayed below the word Rotary on a single line. The “y” and the “0” will align. No other words will be added above or below.

The Purpose of the Rotary District 5000 Logo

The Rotary District 5000 logo is the cornerstone of our district's identity. It symbolizes our shared values, dedication to service, and the strong community we have built together. By using this official logo consistently, we strengthen our bond as Rotarians and convey a sense of unity to our members and the broader Rotary community.

Logo Use on and District Communications

Our district website,, serves as a central hub for sharing information and resources with our members. To maintain a consistent and professional image, the official Rotary District 5000 logo will be the only official District logo displayed on the website's homepage and other key pages. Likewise, in district communications to our members, such as newsletters, emails, and official announcements, the official logo should be used to foster a sense of consistency and cohesion.

Representing Our District on Official Letterhead

When communicating on official district letterhead, including official documents and correspondence, the Rotary District 5000 logo should be proudly featured. This practice ensures that our district's identity is well-represented and leaves a lasting impression on recipients.

Using the Geographical Logo for Marketing to the General Public

A close-up of a logoDescription automatically generated

While the official Rotary District 5000 logo should be used on all communications, there are times that the Geographical Logo may be used to help simplify the understanding of Rotary in Hawai’i for non-Rotarians. The geographical logo, Hawai’i Rotary Clubs, provides a unique opportunity for marketing to the general public. This logo, as explained in the document "Using the Hawai’i Rotary Clubs Logo: Promoting Rotary in Our Island Home," serves as a geographic identifier representing Rotary International in our local community of Hawai’i.

When to Use the Geographical Logo (Hawai’i Rotary Clubs)

In marketing materials and outreach efforts aimed at the general public, such as community events, public awareness campaigns, and engagement with local organizations, the Hawai’i Rotary Clubs logo can be used. It allows us to establish a strong presence in Hawai’i and connect with individuals who may not be familiar with Rotary.

Consistency in Rotary Branding

As Rotary leaders, it is our collective responsibility to maintain consistency in our branding efforts. By using the official Rotary District 5000 logo for official communications and the geographical logo (Hawai’i Rotary Clubs) for marketing to the general public, we create a clear distinction while reinforcing our district's identity.


The Rotary District 5000 logo represents the heart and soul of our district's Rotary community. Let us use this logo with pride and unity in all our official communications, district resources, and official letterhead. When reaching out to the broader public, we can confidently utilize the geographical logo (Hawai’i Rotary Clubs) to promote Rotary and connect with our local community.

Together, let's continue to make a positive impact in our district, upholding the values of Rotary, and embracing the unique spirit of aloha that defines us in our beloved island home.

Understanding the Official Names: Rotary District 5000 and Hawai’i Rotary Clubs

Today, we aim to clarify the official names used in our district and their significance. As Rotarians, it is essential to adhere to Rotary International policies and maintain a clear understanding of our district's identity. Let's delve into the meanings and correct usage of "Rotary District 5000" and "Hawai’i Rotary Clubs."

1. Rotary District 5000:

"Rotary District 5000" refers to our district's official designation recognized by Rotary International. Each Rotary district is assigned a unique number, and in our case, that number is 5000. Our district encompasses a dynamic and diverse community of clubs, united by our shared commitment to Rotary's values and mission.

Correct Usage: When referring to our district as a whole, we should always use "Rotary District 5000" or “District 5000” as the official name. This ensures consistency and clarity in our internal and external communications.

2. Hawai’i Rotary Clubs:

"Hawai’i Rotary Clubs" serves as a geographical identifier for our Rotary clubs within the district. It highlights our district's presence in the beautiful Hawaiian Islands and showcases our commitment to serving our local communities.

Correct Usage: The name "Hawai’i Rotary Clubs" should be used when engaging with the general public for marketing and outreach purposes. It helps to establish a strong connection with our local communities and showcases the collective impact of Rotary in Hawai’i.

Compliance with Rotary International Policies:

Understanding and adhering to Rotary International policies is crucial for maintaining our district's integrity and alignment with Rotary's global standards. Let's keep the following points in mind:

  1. No Political Use: We must refrain from using the Rotary name or emblem for political campaigns. Our focus is on fellowship and service, not political agendas.
  2. Geographical Identifier Guidelines: When using a geographical identifier, such as "Hawai’i Rotary Clubs," we must ensure it accurately represents the interests of all clubs in that area.
  3. Brand Compliance: To maintain a strong and unified Rotary brand, we should use the official Rotary District 5000 logo for internal communications and the geographical logo (Hawai’i Rotary Clubs) for marketing to the public.
  4. Use of Club and District Logos: Each club and district logo should comply with Rotary's guidelines and be used consistently across all materials and communications.

Accessing Rotary Resources:

Rotary offers valuable resources that can guide us in adhering to policies and ensuring brand compliance. You can find more information on brand guidelines, logos, and best practices in the Rotary Brand Center and Learning Center. Additionally, our district's public image page at provides tailored resources to support our brand positive approach.


By embracing the official names "Rotary District 5000" and "Hawai’i Rotary Clubs" and aligning with Rotary International policies, we strengthen our district's identity and uphold the principles of Rotary. Let's continue to showcase the spirit of aloha and the power of Rotary in our district and beyond.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to the Public Image Resource Team at

Using the Hawai’i Rotary Clubs Logo: Promoting Rotary in Our Island Home

Welcome to the future leaders of Rotary District 5000! As you step into your roles, we want to highlight a special branding opportunity that will help us promote Rotary in our local community of Hawai’i, our beloved island home. The Hawai’i Rotary Clubs logo, known as the geographical identifier logo, allows us to establish a unique identity that resonates with our local community while staying true to the principles of Rotary.

The use of this logo should be used until the Rotary District 5000 official logo gains prominent recognition within the community.

Defining the Hawai’i Rotary Clubs Logo

A close-up of a logoDescription automatically generated

Using the Masterbrand (Rotary and Mark of Excellence) the word “Hawai’i” (with the ‘okina) will be displayed above the word Rotary on a single line. The word “Clubs” will be displayed below the word Rotary.  The “I", “y” and “0” will align. No other words will be added above or below.

Defining the Official Rotary District 5000 Logo

A black background with blue textDescription automatically generated

Using the Masterbrand (Rotary and Mark of Excellence) the words “District 5000” will be displayed below the word Rotary on a single line. The “y” and the “0” will align. No other words will be added above or below.

The Purpose of the Hawai’i Rotary Clubs Logo

The Hawai’i Rotary Clubs logo does not serve as the official district logo, instead it serves as a geographic identifier that represents Rotary International in our beautiful Hawaiian Islands. It's a powerful visual tool that allows us to showcase our commitment to service, community, and fellowship here in Hawai’i. By using this logo, we can create a stronger presence in our local community and reach out to more people who may not be familiar with Rotary.

Marketing to the General Public

The Hawai’i Rotary Clubs logo is intended for use by the district in marketing and promotional materials to the general public. It's a valuable asset that will help us create awareness and engagement with individuals and organizations beyond our existing Rotary community.

Official District Communication to Clubs and Members

For official district communication to our clubs and members, we will continue to use the Rotary District 5000 logo. This logo represents our district's official identity within the Rotary organization and reinforces the sense of unity and belonging among our member clubs.

Connecting with Our Local Community

One of the essential aspects of Rotary is its ability to connect with people and make a positive impact in their lives. With the Hawai’i Rotary Clubs logo, we can better communicate our dedication to serving our community right here at home. When people see this logo, they will know that Rotary is present and active in Hawai’i, working hand in hand to address local challenges and uplift our fellow citizens.

Simple and Recognizable

The Hawai’i Rotary Clubs logo is designed to be easy to understand and recognizable at a glance. Its simplicity ensures that it leaves a lasting impression on people's minds. By using this logo consistently across our marketing materials and community outreach, we can build a sense of trust and familiarity with the community.

Guidelines for Using the Hawai’i Rotary Clubs Logo

To effectively leverage the power of the Hawai’i Rotary Clubs logo, we must follow some simple guidelines:

1. Permission and Approval: Before using the logo, ensure that you have obtained the necessary permissions from Rotary leaders in our district and adhered to Rotary International's policies.

2. Proper Placement: Use the Hawai’i Rotary Clubs logo in marketing materials and communications directed at the general public (external audience). For official district communication to our clubs and members (internal audience and official communications), use the Rotary District 5000 logo.

3. Consistency: Use the logo consistently across all our marketing efforts to create a strong brand presence in Hawai’i.

4. Promoting Rotary Activities: When organizing events or projects in Hawai’i for the general public, prominently display the Hawai’i Rotary Clubs logo to emphasize Rotary’s local commitment.


As leaders of Rotary District 5000, we have the incredible opportunity to elevate Rotary's presence in our local community. The Hawai’i Rotary Clubs logo is a powerful tool that allows us to proudly showcase our dedication to service in our island home. Let's use this logo with passion and purpose, inspiring others to join us in creating a brighter future for Hawai’i through Rotary's timeless ideals of service, fellowship, and goodwill.

Together, we can make a lasting impact in our island community and carry the spirit of Rotary with us, always.

Official District Logos

Click an image below to open a logo and then save the image to your device.

Suggested file formats
Print:  EPS/PDF
Word Document (print): 
Digital:  PNG
PowerPoint:  PNG
Web (desktop, tablet, mobile):  PNG


PNG District Logos

Logo Name

Logo PNG

Hawai'i Rotary
District 5000 MOE
Hawai'i Rotary District 5000 MOE White On Transparent
Hawai'i Rotary
District 5000 Lockup


Updated July 2023